Sonder is a small district town in Minahasa regency of North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. It is a recommended destination for visitors who like to watch and take picture of butterflies.
Lime Swallowtail in the highland of Minahasa |
A couple of Graphium meyeri meyeri in Sonder town of Minahasa highland |
Tourists who go to Sonder can watch butterfly and other insects in general along the roadsides, riversides, ricefields and dry agricultural lands as well as forest areas.
Graphium anthedon in Tounelet village of Sonder town |
Some butterflies that could be seen in District Sonder include: The Common Birdwing (Troides helena), Lime Swallowtail (Papilio demoleus), Blanchard's Wood Nymph (Ideopsis vitrea), Blanchard's Tree Nymph, Clipper Butterfly (Parthenos sylvia), Manado's Yellow Tiger Butterfly, and Neptis Ida Celebensis Butterfly, Celebes Leafwing butterfly (Doleschallia polibete celebensis).
Common Birdwing |
The recommended times to watch butterflies are early in the morning and late in the afternoons. Flowers that grow at the frontyard, roadsides, farmlands and forest edges always attract butterflies.
Blanchard's Wood Nymph |
Visitors who want to take pictures of butterflies can bring pocket cameras with zoom lens of several magnifications or camera with telephoto lenses. Sometimes for closer picture, macro lens is needed.
Manado Yellow Tiger Butterfly (Parantica manadensis) |
Bringing binoculars is also recommended. The device will greatly enhance the wildlife watching experience of the visitors while they do nature walk around the forest, garden and wetland of Sonder.
Blanchard's Tree Nymph Butterfly |
The Clipper Butterfly in District Sonder of Minahasa regency |
Celebes Leafwing |
The butterfly watching tour can also be combined with birdwatching trip across the highland of Minahasa as well as snorkeling and sightseeing tour in Bunaken and its surrounding islands.
A caterpilar on the ground of a concrete path in Sonder town of Minahasa highland |
The base for this butterfly watching trip is sub-district town of Sonder in Minahasa regency.
Flight routes to Manado city in North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia |
Land route between Subdistrict town of Sonder and Manado city |
If you are interested in taking butterflywatching tour in Minahasa highland that is combined with sightseeing and birdwatching tour and want me to organize your trip, you could contact me (Charles Roring) by whatsapp to: +6281332245180 or by email to:
Also read:
Butterflywatching in Minahasa Highland
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